How to Get Started With Yoga

Yoga Teacher, Danielle Elphick wearing Pour Moi sportswear

You’ve all heard of the benefits of yoga but as a newbie we can be met with lots of explanations that we can’t understand, just yet. But give it time! Yoga and its benefits are available to everyone – yes, we mean everyone. Every age, size, gender, ethnicity and abilities, yoga is for everyone. There’s no one who knows this more than our resident yogi, Danielle Elphick. We caught up with the Yoga Teacher, mummy, and coffee lover on her own journey with yoga and how to get started.

How did your own journey with yoga start?

My first experience of yoga was over 12 years ago, I was getting married and really wanted to tone up ahead of the big day and honeymoon! There was a hot yoga studio near my workplace, so I went to try a session, although that first session was hard, I was hooked!

Over the years my practice has changed so much. I’ve noticed the mental benefits of yoga as well as the physical side. I noticed a feeling of calm after class, any worries that I had, no longer felt quite as big! I also enjoyed feeling stronger and flexible as a result of my regular practice. 

What made you decide to become a Yoga Teacher?

Yoga Teacher, Danielle Elphick wearing Pour Moi sportswear

I wasn’t enjoying my job anymore, I felt lost and was lacking in direction. Yoga made me feel stronger and calmer, I loved the way I felt after every class. I thought if I can help others feel the way I feel after class, then that would be great right! So, I went along for a half day yoga teacher training introduction, and I knew then that it was what I needed to do. I know it’s cliche, but it was the best decision I’ve ever made. 

What advice would you give to anyone that’s thinking of starting yoga?

Just try it! I know a lot of people are put off as they think ‘they’ll be no good’ or ‘I’m not flexible’ but it really is for everyone. Don’t give yourself a hard time if you can’t do all the poses either! Some things will be easier than others and it really is different for everyone. The best place to start is a beginner's class, this will give you the chance to learn the basics and get your body moving slowly. But don’t get disheartened, try different studios, teachers, and styles. Be open minded and see what happens.  

What do people need to help them on their yoga journey?

Yoga Teacher, Danielle Elphick wearing Pour Moi sportswear

Nothing is needed to begin; studios will have mats and blocks if you don’t have your own. If you are practising at home, you can start by moving on your carpet…. If you are enjoying it, you might like to get yourself your own mat.  

When you do your first class, be kind to yourself. My advice is always to move with what feels nice in your body, try not to force postures and risk straining something. Yoga classes are so varied, you will find classes that are calming, for building strength, and even classes in 38°C heat... the list goes on! That’s why I love it! There is always variety, something new to learn, something different that your body might need that day. 

What are the best items of clothing for wearing whilst practising yoga?

So, you are ready to begin! Find supportive and fabulous leggings and sports bras to add a bit of style to your yoga practice. Comfortable and stretchy clothing is ideal for your practice, so you won’t be distracted. All that’s left for you to do is roll out your mat and try yoga.

We love that you're a part of #TeamPourMoi, what are you most looking forward to collaborating with us?

I love that I have the chance to reach out to new people through Pour Moi’s audience that may have not tried yoga before. I’m always excited to see what new sportswear pieces are being launched to wear for my next yoga practice. 

If you are looking for the perfect way to start your yoga practice, check out Danielle’s beginners yoga flow on our Pour Moi Sport Instagram account. For more yoga inspired content and flows, follow Danielle on her Instagram account.